Ed Prechel: Make a Break and Top Gun Shooting Sports

For quite a while now, Ed Prechel has been a prominent figure in the world of this particular sport. Famously known as the “Make-A-Break guy,” he takes charge of scoring and takes the microphone to engage the audience. However, there’s much more to Ed than meets the eye. He is the proud owner and operator of Top Gun Shooting Sports, a company that embarks on a journey across the country, setting up 5-stands and Make-A-Break courses at various gun clubs and private events. Additionally, his company offers the sale and rental of Promatic traps to cater to the needs of enthusiasts.

Ed’s schedule is jam-packed, but his enthusiasm for clay target sports shines through brightly. In this episode, we delve into the depths of his passion, discussing his remarkable journey and unwavering dedication to this thrilling sport.

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