Rick Hemingway: Back Woods Quail Club

Rick Hemingway is a true trailblazer in the world of shooting sports, known for his innovative approach and willingness to explore new territories. In our conversation, we dive into the remarkable journey of building Backwoods into the exceptional establishment it is today. Rick’s determination to push boundaries and embrace the unconventional has undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping Backwoods into a standout venue in the shooting community.

We also delve into the 2022 US Open, gaining valuable insights into Rick’s thoughts on the targets featured in the main event. His perspective on the competition sheds light on the intricacies of course design and target setting at such prestigious events.

Looking ahead, we discuss the highly anticipated JR. US Open and the excitement surrounding the 2023 Gator Cup, scheduled to take place in Georgetown in March of that year. With Rick’s flair for creativity and boldness, these events promise to be unforgettable experiences for participants and spectators alike.

Join us as we explore the mind of a visionary leader in the shooting world and uncover the driving force behind Rick Hemingway’s innovative contributions to the sport. His passion for pushing the boundaries and seeking new challenges is sure to inspire shooting enthusiasts and leave a lasting impact on the sport as a whole.

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