Michael Hampton Jr: NSCA Executive Director

Michael Hampton Jr. serves as the NSCA Executive Director, and it’s a privilege to have him as a guest on my show for the first time in four years of podcasting. During our conversation, we delve into various topics that are commonly discussed both online and at gun clubs.

We kick things off by discussing the upcoming National Championship and its new super squad format. Additionally, we explore the possibility of the NSCA establishing a pro class based on similar criteria used for selecting the super squad. Another exciting subject we touch upon is how to initiate the formation of a sub-junior Team USA, which holds great potential for the future of shooting sports.

The discussion doesn’t stop there; we also brainstorm ideas to improve the Championship Tour, aiming to enhance the overall experience for participants and spectators alike. There’s much more in store during this episode, and listeners can expect a wealth of insights and valuable perspectives from Michael Hampton Jr., a prominent figure in the NSCA.

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